Childcare vacancies

Working at Devi Kids!

At childcare Devi Kids we regularly have nice vacancies at the daycare center. We believe that everyone on our team gets a place where they belong.

To feel so good and connected, in full balance with your private life.

We give you the opportunity to make the most of your life and spend as much time as possible doing what you love.

Vacatures bij Devi Kids

Pedagogical staff member
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Devi Kids | uren in overleg

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Devi Activiteiten pictogram

Pedagogisch medewerker Buitenschoolse opvang

Devi Creative | uren in overleg

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Pedagogisch medewerker Buitenschoolse opvang

Devi Outdoor | uren in overleg

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Kinderdagverblijf en BSO vacatures


We are passionate about finding special people who really care about children's development. Devi Kids is about guiding and inspiring young children to discover and create. To grow and be nurtured.

Every day at Devi Kids is different. When you find your place at Devi Kids, you embrace the opportunity to choose your own adventure. Create your unique career path that is meaningful to you.

Everything is possible!

Apply for our vacancies

Would you like to apply for one of our childcare vacancies? Feel free to send an email to attn. Amanda Rommens – Bruijnseels.

You can also send us an open application. We are happy to see if we have a spot for you on one of our Childcare locations.

Working at Devi Kids? See our blogs

Duurame inzame inzetbaarheid

Sustainable employability

Sustainable employability, or "Duurzame inzetbaarheid" in Dutch, means that people can come to work with pleasure, while continuing to develop, stay healthy and find a good balance between work and private life.

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Working at Ruitersbosch

Working at Ruitersbosch

Location Ruitersbosch is our third and largest location. The location is located in a former residential house. We have transformed the large house into a beautiful

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