Embarking on adventures through childrens gym lessons

At Devi Kids, our toddlers and preschoolers regularly engage in child gym sessions. This kind of gym is a playful way to enhance motor skills, coordination and self-confidence. Activities such as running, jumping, climbing and throwing are all part of the fun. It also contributes to the physical and social development of children.

The Magical Glasses

Children gym lessons at Devi Kids are much more than just running, jumping, and climbing. It's about going on an adventure where imagination plays a significant role. With our magical glasses on, we step into a world full of possibilities and discoveries. These lessons revolve around our themes. We encourage children to let their imaginations run wild. Once we metaphorically put on the glasses, our adventure begins. We journey through the jungle, sail over water, slide across slippery icebergs, and climb mountains. It's a wonderful way to help children develop motor, cognitive, and social skills, all at their own pace.

Celebrating holidays

In addition to these themes, we also tailor the gym activities to holidays. During Sinterklaas, we have "pietengym," where all the toddlers transform into little "Piet" helpers, learning to walk on rooftops and toss presents down chimneys. At Easter, we pretend to be little Easter bunnies, exploring how high and far we can jump.
This way, holidays become even more exciting and engaging for children.

Preparing for primary school

Furthermore, the gym lessons serve as excellent preparation for primary school, where children also have weekly gym classes, enter the gymnasium, and participate in various games. This approach creates a familiar and enjoyable environment in which children can learn and grow while developing essential motor and social skills for their future school journey.

Childcare plays a pivotal role in preparing children for primary school. Here, they learn to play together, acquire different skills, and adapt to daily routines, helping them know what to expect each day.

Are you curious about Devi Kids? Feel free to book a tour and come visit us!


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