First day of daycare

The time has come, your child is going to daycare for the first time. We'd like to share with you how this looks here at Devi Kids.  

Guided tour

Usually you visit a daycare center before you register your child by scheduling a tour  . After the tour, do you have a good feeling about the daycare center? Then it's time to register your child.  

Intake interview

Tijdens het wenmoment vind ook het intake gesprek plaats. Het gesprek zal ongeveer een half uurtje duren. Voorafgaand aan het gesprek ontvang je een intakeformulier. Deze dien je ingevuld mee te nemen naar het gesprek.


In the morning when you bring your child there will be a transfer. The teacher will ask you how your child is doing. Here you can indicate any specific requests, such as how your child slept or how your child ate. When you pick up your child, they will tell you how the day went and if there were anything special.

Parent portal

At Devi Kids we work with a parent portal. This contains all kinds of information you need as a parent. Through this portal we also communicate with the parents. In addition, you will receive daily photos of your child through the parent portal. This way you can see what he/she is doing.

More information?

Hopefully, after reading this article, you have a good idea of the first day at the nursery. If you still have questions, feel free to contact us. We will make sure you leave your child with a pleasant feeling at one of our fine locations


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