"Enjoy, learn and develop in a green setting full of love".

Elske, Manager Sonsbeeck

Devi Sonsbeeck

Our Sonsbeeck location is situated on the edge of the Sonsbeeck park in the Boeimeer district. Here we offer daycare for children aged 0 to 4 years.

This location consists of three groups: Lotus (baby group), Zon (toddler group) and Regenboog (pre school group). The baby group and toddler group are connected by a sliding door. This means that at different times of the day, the groups can be combined or separated. In this way, we keep the peace in the groups and can offer activities that suit the target group. In our wonderful natural outdoor garden, we play, discover and enjoy all the beauty that nature has to offer.

Ons team bestaat uit vaste en enthousiaste medewerkers met passie voor hun werk. Samen wordt er gezorgd voor zoveel liefde. Er is volledige aandacht en liefde voor het kind precies zoals het is. Wij zorgen dat ieder kind zichzelf kan zijn, zelf op ontdekking mag gaan en met een grote glimlach naar huis gaat!

Feel free to visit

Are you interested in our Devi Sonsbeeck location? Feel free to come by and get to know our warm location in Sonsbeeck. Discover the peace, the outdoor garden and the attention for every child.

Devi Sonsbeeck

Daycare centre 0 to 4 years

LRK: 617626856