Quality & Health

Pedagogical policy
Our pedagogical policy describes the pedagogical vision of Devi Kids and how the pedagogical staff acts in daily practice.
Condition for the pedagogic action are the four basic pedagogic goals mentioned in the Childcare Act. These four pedagogic goals relate to emotional safety, social competence, personal competence and the transfer of values and norms. Het pedagogisch beleid vermeldt tevens de werkwijze, de maximale omvang en de leeftijdsopbouw van de stamgroep, en bij welke (spel)activiteiten kinderen hun groepsruimte verlaten.
Our pedagogical policy can be viewed on request at the relevant location.
Health & Safety Policy
Our safety and health policy describes how we ensure the safety and health risks of children and staff. Establishing sound and responsible safety and health management within our organisation must ensure that all those involved recognise safety and health risks. In establishing a sound policy, we make use of the safety management method of the Consumer and Safety Foundation and the health management method of the National Centre for Hygiene and Safety (LCHV). In these methods, the staff, children and parents take centre stage.
Our health and safety policy is available for viewing upon request at the respective location.

GGD inspection reports
You can find our locations in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (LRK). This means that we meet all the quality requirements of the Childcare Act. In this register you can find all our data per location, including the inspection reports of the GGD. Every year, all locations are checked through an unannounced inspection by a GGD inspector. Below you will find a link to the LRK registration and the GGD reports for each location.