Child care is a collective term for different types of daycare. Here we describe the most common types of daycare.
Different forms
There are various types of childcare, also within Devi Kids. We offer both daycare and out-of-school care. You can read about the differences below:
Bij het kinderdagverblijf worden kinderen opgevangen in de leeftijd 0 tot 4 jaar. Er bestaan op het kinderdagverblijf verschillende soorten groepen, namelijk horizontale- en verticale groepen. Op horizontale groepen zitten kinderen van dezelfde leeftijd. Zo heb je meerdere groepen: baby-, peuter- en dreumesgroepen. Hierin zit je kindje dus met leeftijdsgenoten in een groep. Bij verticale groepen zitten kinderen in een groep met verschillende leeftijden. Je kan zelf kiezen wat je het fijnst vindt voor je kindje en hierop een kinderdagverblijf uitkiezen. Bij Devi Kids hebben we horizontale groepen. Hierdoor geven we ieder kind de aandacht en uitdaging die het nodig heeft. Op dit moment hebben we met Devi Kids verschillende locaties: Devi Sonsbeeck, Devi Ginneken and Devi Ruitersbosch.
After school club
After-school care includes before-school and after-school care. After-school care is for children aged 4 to 12 years old. Before-school care is care before the school day starts. After before-school care the children go to school. After the school day has finished, there is the possibility of going to after-school care. Whether the children are picked up from school by the school care staff depends on each after-school care. OSC location is centraal gelegen ten opzichte van verschillende scholen, zoals de International School Breda, Petrus en Paulus, De Nuts en Motessori. De kinderen worden daarbij van school gehaald. Wij hebben twee verschillende BSO’s: Devi Kids Creative and Devi Kids Outdoor. Beide BSO’s hebben unieke eigenschappen, maar zijn geworteld in dezelfde essentiële waarden. We richten onze activiteiten op het benutten van de natuurlijke omgeving, waaronder tuinieren, het maken van natuurwandelingen, spelen in groene ruimtes, het ontdekken van planten en dieren, en het gebruik van natuurlijke materialen voor creatieve projecten. Daarnaast besteden we aandacht aan duurzaamheid, milieubewustzijn en het respectvol omgaan met onze natuurlijke omgeving in ons programma voor kinderen na school.
Child minder
A child minder is care provided at a child minder’s home or in your own home. Child minding is a small-scale care, because a child minder can take care of a maximum of 6 children. You cannot become a child minder overnight. The location must fulfill legal requirements. In addition, a child minder must have an appropriate diploma, just like daycare employees.
Pre-school care
Pre-school is also a specific type of child daycare. Pre-school care is for children aged 2 to 4 years old and is completely focused on this developmental age. Pre-school care can be an option for when your child does not attend daycare. It can be a good preparation for primary school. A child learns social skills, which are useful for the transition to primary school.
Requesting childcare
Once you have chosen between the different types of daycare, you can start applying. How far in advance should you request childcare? This depends on the type of care and the childcare itself. With a daycare, it is often good to arrange this as soon as possible. Preferably when you are in your first weeks of your pregnancy. This is because daycare centers fill up quickly.
Often when you visit a daycare you can tell if it suits you and your child. For this reason, feel free to ask for a tour of a childcare you may be interested in.
Want to take a look first?
Often when you visit the daycare you feel if it suits you and your child. Therefore, it’s always good to ask for a visit. At Devi Kids you are welcome to visit our locations. Through our website you can schedule a tour. We look forward to showing you the peace, nature and warmth of the different locations!